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Orica-Scott has changed its style

Interestingly, two years ago, the Orica-GreenEdge team [now called Orica-Scott] was very active in the equivalent stage to Rodez as sport director Matt White believed two of his riders were able to win atop the côte de Saint-Pierre: Adam Yates and Michael Matthews. It didn't happen but since then, Matthews took his first stage win for Orica last year in Revel and Yates, the best young rider of the 2016 Tour de France, has been substituted in the same role by his twin brother Simon, currently 7th on GC. The only Australian team of the Tour de France now targets the overall ranking and no longer the stages. Simon Gerrans, who could have been a favourite today, hasn't been selected but Michael Albasini remains a man to watch in a short uphill finale…

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