Mark Cavendish – “That was hard...!”

“It was hard. It was a proper hard stage!Not just the last couple of kilometers but the last 20 kilometers but myteam-mates were incredible. They were keeping me there, they were riding hard,they were riding in the wind… and they did a great job. Even though I gotpushed back near the end, they were keeping the pace high so it was all strungout and I was able to come from behind so I’m really happy with that. It wasdifficult and I’ll need a good massage tonight but I’m really pleased. “It was a difficult finish and there were alot of other guys up there for the finale – Geraint Thomas in the white, BradWiggins, Thor Hushovd, Rojas, Gilbert… it was a difficult sprint from only asmall group. It was hard to stay at the front. I had to go 100 per cent to winthat one!“I was pushed back with a couple ofkilometers to go. André Greipel came in with his big legs and kind of knockedme, and we saw the other day that, when there’s a big guy on me, I can’t doanything. I was just behind and I thought, ‘That’s it… now I’ll just have to gofor the green jersey points.’ I just thought I’d salvage a few points but BradleyWiggins was there, Geraint Thomas was there and they just went! With a coupleof hundred meters to go I had to give it everything. I really didn’t think I’dwin but I got my acceleration – I got the jump alongside Gilbert and, really,my legs were burning… it was really hard actually. I was coming, coming, comingand I was really surprised that I won. I came from quite far back but I’mreally happy. “It was uphill man! Coming up to threekilometers to go, that was hard! That was a climb and I was on the edge of mysaddle and then it went down and it was quite technical – and we like technical– but the uphill in the final kilometers really hurt. I’ve won harder before butI’ve also been dropped on easier… so at least it’s a sign that my form is good.”

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