Stage 14 Summary

Tour de France 2005 | Stage 14 | Le Cap d'Agde > Ax 3 Domaines

The 220.5km 14th stage began at 10.52am. There were 160 riders at the sign-on, the non-starter was Lowik (RAB). The temperature at the start was 26 degrees Celsius in the air and 35 degrees at road level. _ The stage featured six categorized climbs: the cat-4 Col de Villerouge (at 90.5km), the cat-4 Col de Bedos (at 98.5km), the cat-4 Col des Fourches (at 104km), the cat-3 Col du Paradis (at 104km), the ‘Hors Category’ Port de Pailheres (at 191.5km) and the cat-1 final climb to the ski station of Ax-3-Domaines. There were also two intermediate sprints, the first in Narbonne (at 50km) and the second in St-Laurent-de-Cabrerisse (at 78km). _ _ At 7km a group of 15 riders attacked. They were: Popovych (DSC), Nardello (TMO), Moos (PHO), Pereiro (PHO), Facci (FAS), Garate (SDV), Garzelli (LIQ), Chavanel (COF), Beneteau (BTL), Totschnig (GST), Cooke (FDJ), Da Cruz (FDJ), Gilbert (FDJ), Camano (EUS), Kritsov (A2R). At the 12km mark they were 17” ahead of the peloton that was led by riders from the Rabobank team. At 23km, this group was reduced to 10 - Nardello, Moos, Garate, Garzelli, Beneteau, Totschnig, Da Cruz, Gilbert, Grivko and Krivtsov. At 31km the peloton was 1’40” behind; at 40km, 3’20”. In Narbonne the sprint points were won by: Da Cruz, Gilbert and Grivko. The peloton was 4’20” behind at 50km. The average speed for the first hour was 50.8km/h. _ At the 65.5km mark, the 10 led by 4’45”; at 68km, 6’20”. The points for the 2nd sprint went to: Da Cruz, Gilbert and Grivko. At the sprint line, the peloton was 7’40” behind; at 83km, 8’00”. _ The first climbing points were won by: Krivtsov, Garate and Grivko. The average speed for the 2nd hour was 42.4km/h. At the second climb Garate, Garzelli and Beneteau led the escapees over the line. Garate led Beneteau and Grivko over the 3rd climb. The peloton was 9’00” behind at the 104km mark. Garate led Totschnig, Grivko and Garzelli over the 4th climb. When the leaders reached the feedzone (at 132.5km) they were 9’20” ahead. The average speed for the 3rd hour was 40.2km/h. At 131km the advantage of the escapees was 9’35”. _ With 90km to go in the stage, riders from the Euskaltel team came to the front of the peloton and began to cooperate with Discovery Channel to reel in the escapees. At 153km the peloton was at 9’50” – this was the maximum advantage of the escape. _ _ Port de Pailheres – Totschnig’s Bid For Stage Honours Begins _ The 10 riders had a lead of 7’15” at the base of the ‘Hors Category’ climb. An attack from Totschnig and Garzelli split this group to pieces. The selection in the main bunch was prompted by an attack from Vinokourov who launched an attack from the front of the peloton that was led by five riders from the T-Mobile team. Armstrong had no team support from that moment onward. Ullrich attacked in the first 3km of the climb. He was chased by Basso but Armstrong ignored the move completely. Rasmussen lost contact after 6km of climbing. For most of the climb Armstrong was with Ullrich, Basso, Landis and Leipheimer. Moos stayed in the group for a kilometre after being caught with about 8km to climb. Nardello did the same about 6km from the summit. With 5km to climb, Totschnig led Garzelli by 30”, Beneteau by 1’40”; Garate by 2’55”; Armstrong, Ullrich, Nardello, Landis, Moos, Leipheimer and Bassy by 4’40”; Rasmussen, Vinokourov, Evans, Zubeldia, Mancebo, Kloden and Kashechkin by 5’30”. At the top Totschnig led Garzelli by 52”, Beneteau by 31’5”; Ullrich, Landis, Armstrong, Leipheimer and Basso by 3’50”; Mancebo, Rasmussen and Evans by 4’30”. _ _ Totschnig Becomes The Second Austrian Stage Winner _ Rasmussen’s group caught up with Armstrong’s on the descent. There were 10 riders 4’20” behind Totschnig at the start of the final climb. Vinokourov caught the yellow jersey’s bunch on the descent and almost immediately attacked. He was chased down by his team-mates Kloden and Ullrich. ‘Vino’ was then dropped. Landis and Leipheimer were dropped with 5km to go (Totschnig was 3’15” ahead). Ullrich, Basso and Armstrong rode together from 5km to go. Ullrich tried to escape but failed. With 2km to go Armstrong began to dance on his pedals. Ullrich lost contact after 500m but Basso stayed with the American. _ Totschnig maintained his place at the front of the race to become only the second Austrian to win a stage of the Tour. He finished 56” ahead of Armstrong who sprinted ahead of Basso in the last 300m to claim second place. _ _ Armstrong’s second place ensures he increased his lead in the general classification. He will wear the yellow jersey in stage 15.

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