Neilson Powless: "I hope to bounce back"

“It was clearly the hardest day since the start of the Tour. I’ve tried to make the breakaway and I fought to stay upfront in the first climbs but I couldn’t follow as I wanted. It’s always kind of hard to resume racing after the rest day. I hope I’ll bounce back and manage to remain in the lead of the KOM classification.”

11/07/2023 - Tour de France 2023 - Etape 10 - Vulcania / Issoire (167,2 km) - POWLESS Neilson (EF EDUCATION - EASYPOST) - Avec le maillot à pois
11/07/2023 - Tour de France 2023 - Etape 10 - Vulcania / Issoire (167,2 km) - POWLESS Neilson (EF EDUCATION - EASYPOST) - Avec le maillot à pois © A.S.O./Charly Lopez

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